Custom Page Classes

Migrating custom pageclasses in /site/classes

If you have your pageclasses in /site/classes PW will autoload those pageclasses for you. The only thing you have to do is to create the template in your migration:

$rm = rockmigrations();

Migrating custom pageclasses in modules

RockMigrations can also auto-load pageclasses from within your module's folder structure. Please see the docs about the class autoloading for details.



namespace RockSettings;

use ProcessWire\Page;
use RockMigrations\MagicPage;

use function ProcessWire\rockmigrations;

class SettingsPage extends Page
  use MagicPage;

  const tpl = "rocksettings";
  const prefix = "rocksettings_";

  public function migrate()
    $rm = rockmigrations();
      'templates' => [
        self::tpl => [
          'fields' => [
          'tags' => 'RockSettings',
          'icon' => 'cogs',
      template: self::tpl,
      parent: 1,
      name: 'rocksettings',
      title: 'Settings',
      status: ['hidden'],