Custom Commands

Creating commands is as easy as adding one simple file to your project. You can place commands in /site/assets/RockShell/Commands or any of your modules /site/modules/*/RockShell/Commands.

Note that if you place it in one of your modules you need to adjust the namespace of your command to match your modules folder name.

Here is an example hello world command placed in /site/assets/RockShell/Commands:


// when placed in the assets folder
// we need to use the Assets namespace!
namespace Assets;

use RockShell\Command;

class HelloWorld extends Command
  public function handle()
    $this->info("Hello World!");
    return self::SUCCESS;

Another example command can be found in RockMigrations:

The command uses the RockMigrations namespace to make sure we don't get any naming collisions.

RockShell - Custom Commands


The output interface is available in your command's output property. See for details. RockShell provides some shortcuts that are easier to use:

<?php namespace RockShell;
class HelloWorld extends Command {
  public function handle() {
    $this->info("Hello World!");
    return self::SUCCESS;

Check out the php rock ping command and see the symfony docs about coloring here:

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