Creating Forms

In RockForms every form is presented of one PHP file and is itself its own PHP class. If you are new to OOP, don't worry! RockForms has a GUI that creates that file for you:

RockForms - Creating Forms

Theoretically you can create your form files in any folder you like (for example in custom modules), but the GUI will place it in the default folder, which is /site/templates/RockForms.

A basic RockForm looks like this:


namespace RockForms;

class Newsletter extends RockForm

  public function buildForm()
    // field setup

  public function processInput()
    // form processing after submit
    // this will be executed on every submit

  public function processSuccess()
    // process a successful form submission
    // this will be executed only if:
    // - no errors
    // - not spam

  public function renderSuccess($values)
    // show success message to user on the frontend

The boilerplate file that is created by RockForms when using the GUI comes with a lot of helpful comments as well!

Adding Fields

This form does not have any fields yet, so we add them in the buildForm() method:


namespace RockForms;

class Newsletter extends RockForm
  public function buildForm()
    $this->addText('fieldname', 'Field Label');

If you set up your IDE properly it will help you with creating your forms by listing all available methods:

IDE Helper
IDE Helper

Accessing Forms

Now that we have setup our form we can access it like this:

$form = $rockforms->getForm("Newsletter");

When using a custom path you can get your form like this:

$form = $rockforms->getFormFromFile("/path/to/Newsletter.php");

Rendering Forms

You can either request your form and then render it:

$form = $rockforms->getForm("Newsletter");
echo $form->render();

Or you use the shortcut:

echo $rockforms->render("Newsletter");

Success Message

public function renderSuccess($values)
  // NOTE: All values will automatically be entity encoded here.
  // See docs about security to understand how and when that works!
  return "Thank you, {$values->name}! We will get back to you soon.";