Terms for modules


Due to the instant download functionality of our software, refunds are not possible. We therefore recommend that you carefully check whether our software meets your requirements before purchasing by viewing our demo versions, reading the product descriptions and contacting us directly if necessary. We are always happy to help with any questions or technical issues you may have to ensure you have the best possible experience with our software.


Some modules have dependencies without which they do not work or only work partially - for example, a specific PHP version or another module such as RockMigrations. It is also possible that a commercial module is dependent on another commercial module. An example of this is RockCommerce, which is based on RockGrid and RockForms. In this case, you also need a licence and a current version of the other modules for the proper operation of the module, which you can either purchase individually or via RockSuite.

You are responsible for checking all dependencies before purchasing and ensuring that all dependencies can be fulfilled for your intended use. The dependencies are listed for each module in the documentation in the left bar below the features.

Lifetime licence

This means that the purchased module can be used for the respective project or projects for a lifetime, even if the licence is not extended. A valid licence is only required for updates and support.

Software Updates

After your purchase, you can log in to a private area with your licence key. Depending on the licence you have purchased, you will be able to download all the modules you have purchased. You will also be shown until when you can download free updates. After this period has expired, you will still have access to older versions of the modules, but not to the latest updates.

At the end of the download period, you can extend the downloads for the Unlimited and RockSuite licences for a further year at 50% of the current regular purchase price.

Example: You buy a module in the Unlimited licence on 1.10.2023 and receive updates until 1.10.2024. At the end of this period, you will receive an offer to renew the licence in order to continue to have access to updates. Then you have two options:

1) You decline and simply continue to use the last downloaded version of the module. If you want to download updates for the module at some point in the future, simply buy a new licence.
2) You accept the offer and receive all updates for this module for another year. If the regular price for an Unlimited licence is 249€, then you only pay 124.5€.

Licence Upgrades

You can upgrade your licence from the Single to the Unlimited or RockSuite licence at any time. The purchase price you have already paid will be credited, so you can test modules without risk and upgrade to the extended functions later. The original purchase date remains unchanged and all future updates will continue to be charged from the date of the first purchase.


I offer fair use support for my modules. This means that I endeavour to answer all enquiries as quickly as possible, but I cannot offer service level agreements for guaranteed response times. The support period is identical to the time frame for updates. Support only covers the functional scope of the modules themselves. I cannot offer support for help with the individual implementation for the respective project within the scope of a module licence. I will be happy to help here at my usual hourly rates.