
RockPageBuilder is your all-in-one solution for effortless content element development and management in ProcessWire. Whether you're a web developer or a client looking to craft stunning web pages, RockPageBuilder streamlines the process and provides an intuitive interface that you and your clients will love. 😍

RockPageBuilder - Introduction

Key Features

  • Frontend Editing: Clients can edit content right where they see it and rearrange elements by drag and drop. You wouldn't believe how much difference that makes!

  • Think in blocks: This does not only give your client more flexibility but also reduces the need for multiple similar templates. I've built websites with only a home and basic-page template!

  • Proven Reliability: RockPageBuilder has been in development since 2020 and has been successfully used on numerous websites.

Get Started

Ready to unlock the full potential of ProcessWire? In this documentation, you'll find comprehensive guides, tutorials, and best practices to help you make the most of this versatile module. Whether you're a newcomer or an experienced user, our documentation is designed to support your journey with RockPageBuilder.

Discover the possibilities that RockPageBuilder offers and create web pages that stand out. Let's get started!

Explore the Live-Demo:

Advantages over RepeaterMatrix

As RepeaterMatrix has been the only option for a block based page building experience in ProcessWire for a long time I want to outline the differences to that very popular module:

  • RockPageBuilder Sortable: Visually arrange site content via drag and drop!
RockPageBuilder - Introduction
  • RepeaterMatrix has no GUI for Frontend Editing - you can edit text fields, but what about image fields for example?
RockPageBuilder - Introduction
  • Example Blocks Kickstart

    RockPageBuilder comes with several blocks that you can use for your projects right away:

    RockPageBuilder - Introduction
  • Reuse blocks and boost your productivity

    While it is possible to automate stuff in RepeaterMatrix with RockMigrations the experience with RockPageBuilder will be much better. Simply copy the block's files to your next project and start using them right away! 🚀

  • Block Settings

    There is no way of quickly defining settings for your blocks in RepeaterMatrix. You have to create a field for everything which bloats your database and your GUI.

    This is how it works in RockPageBuilder